Mounting DAGs
DAGs can be mounted by using a ConfigMap or git-sync
This is best illustrated with an example of each, shown in the sections below.
Via ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: cm-dag (1)
data: | (2)
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator
from airflow.operators.dummy import DummyOperator
with DAG(
schedule_interval='0 0 * * *',
start_date=datetime(2021, 1, 1),
tags=['example', 'example2'],
params={"example_key": "example_value"},
) as dag:
run_this_last = DummyOperator(
# [START howto_operator_bash]
run_this = BashOperator(
bash_command='echo 1',
# [END howto_operator_bash]
run_this >> run_this_last
for i in range(3):
task = BashOperator(
task_id='runme_' + str(i),
bash_command='echo "{{ task_instance_key_str }}" && sleep 1',
task >> run_this
# [START howto_operator_bash_template]
also_run_this = BashOperator(
bash_command='echo "run_id={{ run_id }} | dag_run={{ dag_run }}"',
# [END howto_operator_bash_template]
also_run_this >> run_this_last
# [START howto_operator_bash_skip]
this_will_skip = BashOperator(
bash_command='echo "hello world"; exit 99;',
# [END howto_operator_bash_skip]
this_will_skip >> run_this_last
if __name__ == "__main__":
--- apiVersion: kind: AirflowCluster metadata: name: airflow spec: image: productVersion: 2.10.4 clusterConfig: loadExamples: false exposeConfig: false credentialsSecret: simple-airflow-credentials volumes: - name: cm-dag (3) configMap: name: cm-dag (4) volumeMounts: - name: cm-dag (5) mountPath: /dags/ (6) subPath: (7) webservers: roleGroups: default: envOverrides: AIRFLOW__CORE__DAGS_FOLDER: "/dags" (8) replicas: 1 celeryExecutors: roleGroups: default: envOverrides: AIRFLOW__CORE__DAGS_FOLDER: "/dags" (8) replicas: 2 schedulers: roleGroups: default: envOverrides: AIRFLOW__CORE__DAGS_FOLDER: "/dags" (8) replicas: 1
1 | The name of the ConfigMap |
2 | The name of the DAG (this is a renamed copy of the from the Airflow examples) |
3 | The volume backed by the ConfigMap |
4 | The name of the ConfigMap referenced by the Airflow cluster |
5 | The name of the mounted volume |
6 | The path of the mounted resource. Note that should map to a single DAG. |
7 | The resource has to be defined using subPath : this is to prevent the versioning of ConfigMap elements which may cause a conflict with how Airflow propagates DAGs between its components. |
8 | If the mount path described above is anything other than the standard location (the default is $AIRFLOW_HOME/dags ), then the location should be defined using the relevant environment variable. |
If a DAG mounted via ConfigMap consists of modularized files then using the standard location is mandatory as Python uses this as a "root" directory when looking for referenced files. |
The advantage of this approach is that DAGs are provided "in-line". However, handling multiple DAGs this way becomes cumbersome, as each must be mapped individually. For multiple DAGs, it is easier to expose them via a mounted volume, as shown below.
Via git-sync
git-sync is a command that pulls a git repository into a local directory and is supplied as a sidecar container for use within Kubernetes. The Stackable Airflow images already ship with git-sync included, and the operator takes care of calling the tool and mounting volumes, so that only the repository and synchronization details are required:
git-sync usage example
kind: AirflowCluster
name: airflow
productVersion: "2.10.4"
loadExamples: false
exposeConfig: false
credentialsSecret: test-airflow-credentials (1)
dagsGitSync: (2)
- repo: (3)
branch: "main" (4)
gitFolder: "tests/templates/kuttl/mount-dags-gitsync/dags" (5)
depth: 10 (6)
wait: 20s (7)
credentialsSecret: git-credentials (8)
gitSyncConf: (9)
--rev: HEAD (10)
# --rev: git-sync-tag # N.B. tag must be covered by "depth" (the number of commits to clone)
# --rev: 39ee3598bd9946a1d958a448c9f7d3774d7a8043 # N.B. commit must be covered by "depth"
--git-config: http.sslCAInfo:/tmp/ca-cert/ca.crt (11)
1 | A Secret used for accessing database and admin user details (included here to illustrate where different credential secrets are defined) |
2 | The git-gync configuration block that contains list of git-sync elements |
3 | The repository to clone (required) |
4 | The branch name (defaults to main ) |
5 | The location of the DAG folder, relative to the synced repository root.
It can optionally start with / , however, no trailing slash is recommended.
An empty string (`) or slash ( /`) corresponds to the root folder in Git.
Defaults to "/". |
6 | The depth of syncing i.e. the number of commits to clone (defaults to 1) |
7 | The synchronisation interval in seconds, e.g. 20s or 1h (defaults to "20s") |
8 | The name of the Secret used to access the repository if it is not public.
This should include two fields: user and password (which can be either a password — which is not recommended — or a GitHub token, as described here) |
9 | A map of optional configuration settings that are listed in this configuration section (and the ones that follow on that link) |
10 | An example showing how to specify a target revision (the default is HEAD).
The revision can also be a tag or a commit, though this assumes that the target hash is contained within the number of commits specified by depth .
If a tag or commit hash is specified, then git-sync recognizes this and does not perform further cloning. |
11 | Git-sync settings can be provided inline, although some of these (--dest , --root ) are specified internally in the operator and are ignored if provided by the user.
Git-config settings can also be specified, although a warning is logged if is specified as this is defined internally, and should not be defined by the user. |
The example shows a list of git-sync definitions, with a single element. This is to avoid breaking-changes in future releases. Currently, only one such git-sync definition is considered and processed. |
git-sync can be used with DAGs that make use of Python modules, as Python is configured to use the git-sync target folder as the "root" location when looking for referenced files. See the Applying Custom Resources example for more details. |