

You will need:

  • a Kubernetes cluster

  • kubectl

  • Helm

Resource sizing depends on cluster type(s), usage and scope, but as a starting point we recommend a minimum of the following resources for this operator:

  • 0.2 cores (e.g. i5 or similar)

  • 256MB RAM


There are two ways to deploy the Commons operator into your Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Using stackablectl.

  2. Using Helm.

  • stackablectl

  • Helm

stackablectl is the recommended command line tool to install and manage with Stackable operators. Follow the installation steps for your platform.

After you have installed stackablectl, use it to install the Commons Operator:

$ stackablectl operator install commons=24.7.0

The tool will show:

Installed commons=24.7.0 operator
Consult the Quickstart to learn more about how to use stackablectl. For example, you can use the --cluster kind flag to create a Kubernetes cluster with kind.

Helm allows you to download and deploy Stackable operators on Kubernetes. First ensure that you have installed the Stackable Operators Helm repository:

$ helm repo add stackable \

Then install the Stackable Commons Operator

$ helm install --wait commons-operator \
  stackable-stable/commons-operator --version 24.7.0

Helm will deploy the operator in Kubernetes and apply the CRDs.