Contributing code

Development Environment

In order to contribute source code, you need an environment that is capable of running the following tools:

Depending on the repository, you might also need Go, Java or other programming language support.

Almost all build scripts assume a Unix based environment (preferably Linux).

IDEs and Editors

Of course you are free to use whatever works for you best. No editor is perfect but we have positive experience with:

For VisualStudio Code we also recommend the following extensions:


  1. Make your desired changes in the according repository and test them manually. Ensure that the code compiles without warnings (cargo clippy --all-targets) and that the code is formatted with cargo fmt. Also make sure that all changes are made in accordance to the source code style guide.

  2. If code was added or adapted then please create or adapt the unit tests in the same file as well as the integration tests in the tests directory. Ensure that all unit tests run successfully cargo test) and all integration tests run successfully (./scripts/run-tests). See also Changes in the integration tests.

  3. Comment your code and check with cargo doc --document-private-items that there are no syntax errors.

  4. The YAML schemas of the custom resource definitions (CRDs) are rebuilt when the project is compiled (see rust/operator-binary/ if changing an operator). These CRDs as well as the product configuration are also required in the Helm chart and the Kubernetes manifest. To ensure that everything is in a consistent state, please execute make regenerate-charts.

  5. If it is useful for the users of the project to know about the change then it must be added to the changelog. For instance, if only the dependencies in an operator are upgraded but nothing changes for the user then the upgrade should not be added to the changelog. Conversely, if the dependencies in the operator framework are upgraded then changes are probably required in the operators (which are the clients of the framework) and therefore the upgrade must be mentioned in the changelog. The changelog must be formatted according to keep a changelog.

Changes in the integration tests

  1. Most code changes should also be tested with integration tests. The tests for every operator can be found in the operator repository in the tests directory.

  2. Create or adapt the tests. Try to mimic the style of the other tests. They are written with KUTTL and our own templating tool to template tests and test multiple product versions at once.

  3. Start a test cluster using kind.

  4. Run your development version of the operator with make run-dev (see also Testing your code on Kubernetes for more information on this). This will deploy the operator directly into the cluster, also using part of the Helm Chart definition and therefore the RBAC rules.

  5. When making changes to the Helm Chart, you should however test the Helm Chart explicitly. First a Docker image of the operator must be built locally and uploaded to the kind cluster and then the Helm chart must be installed. This can be achieved in the operator directory with the following commands:

    docker build --file docker/Dockerfile --tag<operator>:<version>-dev .
    kind load docker-image<operator>:<version>-dev --name=integration-tests
    helm install <operator> deploy/helm/<operator>/
  6. Run the tests from the repository root with ./scripts/run-tests.

Adding support for a new product version

If a new version of a product was added then the following tasks must be performed:

  • Add the new version in the docker-images repository.

  • Update the operator to support the new version if necessary.

  • Update the examples in the operator to use the new version.

  • Update the integration tests. The tests should cover the latest patch version of each supported versions.

  • Add the new version to the supported ones in the documentation of the operators (see docs/modules/\{product name\}/partials/supported-versions.adoc in the operator repositories).