
The pages in this section guide you on how to use the demos provided by Stackable. To install a demo follow the quickstart guide or have a look at the demo command. These are the available demos:

External Components in these demos

The demos provided by Stackable serve as showcases to illustrate potential architectures that can be built using the Stackable Data Platform. Please note that these demos may include components that are not supported by Stackable as part of our commercial offering.

If you are evaluating these demos with the intention of purchasing a subscription, please ensure that you review the list of supported operators. Any components not listed there are not part of our commercial offering.

Below is an incomplete list of third-party components referenced in these demos:

  • Grafana

  • JupyterHub

  • Keycloak

  • MinIO

  • OpenLDAP

  • OpenSearch

  • OpenSearch Dashboards

  • PostgreSQL

  • Prometheus

  • Redis

  • Vector Aggregator

Demo Code

The manifests and code used by the demos, can be found in the demo repository. Each demo is constructed in the following way:

  • demos/demos-v2.yaml file: lists the available demos and uses additional parameters to build up the demo, e.g.

    • stackableStack references the stack belonging to this demo

    • manifests includes a list of additional manifests for the demo, mostly jobs to create tables or ingest example data

    • resourceRequests specifying the needed resources for the demo to run

  • stacks/stacks-v2.yaml file: lists the available stacks, which are referenced by the demos/demos-v2.yaml file, and uses additional parameters to build up the underlying stack, e.g.

    • stackableOperators are all the operators that are installed as part of the demo

    • manifests contains all the manifests needed to setup the products and third-party tools

    • parameters is a list of values used in the manifest files, for example as credentials or other settings

For more information on how to add custom demos/stacks, refer to the Customization section of stackablectl.