Configuring the Kubernetes cluster domain

Stackable operators allow the configuration of a non-default cluster domain as described in Customizing DNS Service (and more in DNS for Services and Pods).

The cluster domain can be configured using an environment variable KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_DOMAIN set on the operators. This environment variable can be configured via the helm values property kubernetesClusterDomain during the installation of the operators.

helm install <product>-operator stackable-stable/<product>-operator --set kubernetesClusterDomain="my.domain"

You can also specify a custom cluster domain with a trailing dot (my.domain. instead of my.domain) to reduce the number of DNS requests under certain conditions (see for details). Note however that support for this is still considered experimental.

If the environment variable KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_DOMAIN (or the helm property kubernetesClusterDomain) are not set / overriden, the operator will default the cluster domain to cluster.local.