Licenses for the Stackable Data Platform

The Stackable Data Platform is open source, and the source code of all the components can be found on GitHub. Licenses are also provided alongside the source code, in a file called LICENSE.


Product Operators

  • License for the Stackable Operator for Apache Airflow.

  • License for the Stackable Operator for Apache Druid.

  • License for the Stackable Operator for Apache HBase.

  • License for the Stackable Operator for Apache Hadoop HDFS.

  • License for the Stackable Operator for Apache Hive.

  • License for the Stackable Operator for Apache Kafka.

  • License for the Stackable Operator for Apache NiFi.

  • License for the Stackable Operator for Apache Spark.

  • License for the Stackable Operator for Trino.

  • License for the Stackable Operator for Apache ZooKeeper.

  • License for the Stackable Operator for OpenPolicyAgent.

Additional Stackable Operators

  • License for the Stackable Commons Operator.

  • License for the Stackable Secret Operator.

  • License for the Stackable Listener Operator.


License for stackablectl.

Product images

License for the product Docker images.

The Docker images are built on the Red Hat ubi9-minimal base image. It is licensed seperately.