
This is the super-short getting started guide that should enable you to get something up and running in less than three minutes (excluding download times).


Install stackablectl, the Stackable CLI utility.

Installation on Linux

Download the stackablectl-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu binary file from the latest release, then rename the file to stackablectl. You can also use the following command:

wget -O stackablectl https://github.com/stackabletech/stackable-cockpit/releases/download/stackablectl-24.11.1/stackablectl-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
# or
curl -L -o stackablectl https://github.com/stackabletech/stackable-cockpit/releases/download/stackablectl-24.11.1/stackablectl-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

Mark the binary as executable:

chmod +x stackablectl

Then, make sure it is present in your $PATH, like /usr/local/bin.

Installation on macOS and Windows

See the guide for detailed information about the installation process on macOS and Windows.

Install the Taxi data demo

The trino-taxi-data Demo installs the latest Stackable platform release and a visualization of New York City Taxi Data using Trino and Superset:

stackablectl demo install trino-taxi-data
Learn more about this demo in the demo docs: trino-taxi-data


To list the installed installed Stackable services run the following command:

stackablectl stacklet list

It will output something like:

│ PRODUCT  ┆ NAME          ┆ NAMESPACE ┆ ENDPOINTS                                    ┆ CONDITIONS                      │
│ hive     ┆ hive          ┆ default   ┆                                              ┆ Available, Reconciling, Running │
│ opa      ┆ opa           ┆ default   ┆                                              ┆ Available, Reconciling, Running │
│ superset ┆ superset      ┆ default   ┆ external-superset  ┆ Available, Reconciling, Running │
│ trino    ┆ trino         ┆ default   ┆ coordinator-metrics         ┆ Available, Reconciling, Running │
│          ┆               ┆           ┆ coordinator-https ┆                                 │
│ minio    ┆ minio-console ┆ default   ┆ http        ┆                                 │

Use "stackablectl stacklet credentials [OPTIONS] <PRODUCT_NAME> <STACKLET_NAME>" to display credentials for deployed stacklets.

To connect to Superset, open the listed endpoint in your browser and log in with the username admin and the password adminadmin. Use the stackablectl stacklet credentials command to retrieve credentials for various stacklets.