Connect to Trino

Trino offers an SQL endpoint via a HTTP API. An open source JDBC driver does exist as well as a proprietary ODBC driver.

Multiple SQL clients can be used to connect to Trino as described below.


The Trino server must be reachable from your local computer. It is typically secured via HTTPS with a certificated provided by a SecretClass.

As most setups use a self-signed certificate, the easiest way is to disable the Trino cert validation as the following guide will do. A production-ready solution would be to extract the ca.crt from the SecretClass and provide it to the Trino client.

Connect with trino-cli

Please have a look at the official trino-cli docs. Please don’t forget to specify the --insecure flag, so you command looks something like:

java -jar ~/Downloads/trino-cli-403-executable.jar --server --user admin --password --insecure

Connect with DBeaver

DBeaver is a free multi-platform database tool for anyone who needs to work with databases. It is installed locally and can connect to Trino and offers a convenient UI to explore and work with Trino.

First of you need to click on the New Database Connection icon, select OtherTrino

connect with dbeaver 1

Afterwards you need to enter the Host and Port as well as Username and Password.

connect with dbeaver 2

After entering the details you need to switch to the tab called Driver properties. First action is to click on the SSL driver property and enter the value true. Additionally you need to click on the green plus icon in the bottom left corner to add a User Property called SSLVerification. Afterwards you need to set the value to NONE.

connect with dbeaver 3

As the last step you can click on Finish and start using the Trino connection normally.

Connect with Python

Please have a look at the official trino-python-client docs.

A sample code could look like follows:

def get_connection():
    connection = trino.dbapi.connect(
        verify=False, # For best security you can also provide a path to the trino root ca: "/stackable/secrets/trino-ca-cert/ca.crt",
        auth=trino.auth.BasicAuthentication("admin", "adminadmin"),
    return connection

def run_query(connection, query):
    # print(f"[DEBUG] Executing query {query}")
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    return cursor.fetchall()

connection = get_connection()

run_query(connection, "show catalogs")