
There are two ways to run the Stackable Secret Operator:

  1. Helm managed Docker container deployment on Kubernetes

  2. Build from source


You will need:

  • a Kubernetes cluster

  • kubectl

  • Helm

Resource sizing depends on cluster type(s), usage and scope, but as a starting point we recommend a minimum of the following resources for this operator:

  • 0.2 cores (e.g. i5 or similar)

  • 256MB RAM


Helm allows you to download and deploy Stackable operators on Kubernetes and is by far the easiest installation method. First ensure that you have installed the Stackable Operators Helm repository:

$ helm repo add stackable

Then install the Stackable Secret Operator

$ helm install secret-operator stackable/secret-operator

Helm will deploy the operator in Kubernetes containers and apply the CRDs. You’re now ready to deploy secrets!


Microk8s uses a non-standard Kubelet state directory. Installing secret-operator on Microk8s requires the argument --set kubeletDir=/var/snap/microk8s/common/var/lib/kubelet to be added to the helm install command.

Building the operator from source

See Building the Operator for more information.