Graceful shutdown

You can configure the graceful shutdown grace period as described in Graceful shutdown.


As a default, masters have 20 minutes to shut down gracefully.

The HBase master process receives a SIGTERM signal when Kubernetes wants to terminate the Pod. After the graceful shutdown timeout runs out, and the process is still running, Kubernetes issues a SIGKILL signal.

This is equivalent to executing the bin/ stop master command, which internally executes kill <master-pid> (code), waits for a configurable period of time (defaults to 20 minutes), and finally executes kill -9 <master-pid> to SIGKILL the master (code).

However, there is no message in the log acknowledging the graceful shutdown.


By default, RegionServers have 60 minutes to shut down gracefully.

They use the same mechanism described above. In contrast to the Master servers, they will, however, acknowledge the graceful shutdown with a message in the logs:

2023-10-11 12:38:05,059 INFO  [shutdown-hook-0] regionserver.ShutdownHook: Shutdown hook starting; hbase.shutdown.hook=true; fsShutdownHook=org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem$Cache$ClientFinalizer@5875de6a
2023-10-11 12:38:05,060 INFO  [shutdown-hook-0] regionserver.HRegionServer: ***** STOPPING region server 'test-hbase-regionserver-default-0.test-hbase-regionserver-default.kuttl-test-topical-parakeet.svc.cluster.local,16020,1697027870348' *****

The operator allows for finer control over the shutdown process of region servers. For each region server pod, the region mover tool may be invoked before terminating the region server’s pod. The affected regions are transferred to other pods thus ensuring that the data is still available.

Here is an example:

        runBeforeShutdown: true (1)
        maxThreads: 5 (2)
        ack: false (3)
        additionalMoverOptions: ["--designatedFile", "/path/to/designatedFile"] (4)

<1>: Run the region mover tool before shutting down the region server. Default is false. <2>: Maximum number of threads to use for moving regions. Default is 1. <3>: Enable or disable region confirmation on the present and target servers. Default is true. <4>: Extra options to pass to the region mover tool.

For a list of additional options accepted by the region mover use the --help option first:

$ /stackable/hbase/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.RegionMover --help
usage: hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.RegionMover <options>
 -r,--regionserverhost <arg>   region server <hostname>|<hostname:port>
 -o,--operation <arg>          Expected: load/unload/unload_from_rack/isolate_regions
 -m,--maxthreads <arg>         Define the maximum number of threads to use to unload and reload the regions
 -i,--isolateRegionIds <arg>   Comma separated list of Region IDs hash to isolate on a RegionServer and put region
                               server in draining mode. This option should only be used with '-o isolate_regions'. By
                               putting region server in decommission/draining mode, master can't assign any new region
                               on this server. If one or more regions are not found OR failed to isolate successfully,
                               utility will exist without putting RS in draining/decommission mode. Ex.
                               --isolateRegionIds id1,id2,id3 OR -i id1,id2,id3
 -x,--excludefile <arg>        File with <hostname:port> per line to exclude as unload targets; default excludes only
                               target host; useful for rack decommisioning.
 -d,--designatedfile <arg>     File with <hostname:port> per line as unload targets;default is all online hosts
 -f,--filename <arg>           File to save regions list into unloading, or read from loading; default
 -n,--noack                    Turn on No-Ack mode(default: false) which won't check if region is online on target
                               RegionServer, hence best effort. This is more performant in unloading and loading but
                               might lead to region being unavailable for some time till master reassigns it in case the
                               move failed
 -t,--timeout <arg>            timeout in seconds after which the tool will exit irrespective of whether it finished or
                               not;default Integer.MAX_VALUE
There is no need to explicitly specify a timeout for the region movement. The operator will compute an appropriate timeout that cannot exceed the gracefulShutdownTimeout for region servers.
The ZooKeeper connection must be available during the time the region mover is running for the graceful shutdown process to succeed.


As a default, RestServers have 5 minutes to shut down gracefully.

They use the same mechanism described above. In contrast to the Master servers, they will, however, acknowledge the graceful shutdown with a message in the logs:

2023-10-11 12:40:42,309 INFO  [JettyShutdownThread] server.AbstractConnector: Stopped ServerConnector@62dae540{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{}
2023-10-11 12:40:42,309 INFO  [JettyShutdownThread] server.session: node0 Stopped scavenging
2023-10-11 12:40:42,316 INFO  [main] RESTServer: ***** STOPPING service 'RESTServer' *****