Webhook server implementation guidelines

Creating a new binary crate

Webhook servers are developed and deployed alongside the product operators. This can be achieved by creating a new binary crate in the same repository, and adding it to the workspace. In newer versions of cargo the new workspace member is automatically added to the root Cargo.toml file. Follow along through the creation of such a binary, using the Airflow operator as an example.

Start by entering the airflow-operator repository and creating a new binary crate using cargo.

git clone https://github.com/stackabletech/airflow-operator.git
cd airflow-operator
cargo new rust/webhook-binary

Running this command created and adjusted multiple files. The root Cargo.toml file gained another workspace member and a new folder rust/webhook-binary with default files was created. Next, add stackable-webhook and tokio as dependencies.

All dependencies below used the latest version at the time of writing. Make sure to use the current latest version when following this guide.

The root Cargo.toml

members = ["rust/crd", "rust/operator-binary", "rust/webhook-binary"]
resolver = "2"

version = "0.0.0-dev"
repository = "https://github.com/stackabletech/airflow-operator"
# ...

stackable-webhook = { git = "https://github.com/stackabletech/operator-rs.git" }
tokio = { version = "1.29", features = ["full"] }

The new webhook crate’s Cargo.toml

name = "webhook-binary"
version.workspace = true
repository.workspace = true
# ...

stackable-webhook.workspace = true
tokio.workspace = true

Before continuing, run cargo build to ensure your development environment is configured correctly.

Now you are ready to write a custom webhook server.

Conversion webhook

In this example, you will develop a CRD conversion webhook. The stackable-webhook library provides a ready-to-use ConversionWebhookServer, which already handles receiving and responding with the correct type.

The #[tokio::main] attribute is only available when the macros feature is enabled. Using the full feature flag includes the macros flag.

use stackable_webhook::{
    servers::{ConversionReview, ConversionWebhookServer},

async fn main() {
    let server = ConversionWebhookServer::new(handler, Options::default());

fn handler(request: ConversionReview) -> ConversionReview {
    // Add you CRD conversion here

Mutating and validating webhooks

The stackable-webhook library currently doesn’t provide ready-to-use webhook servers for mutating or validating webhooks like ConversionWebhookServer above. Instead, you can implement a completly custom Router via the axum crate.

use axum::{routing::post, Router};
use stackable_webhook::{Options, WebhookServer};

async fn main() {
    let router = Router::new()
        .route("mutate", post(mutate))
        .route("validate", post(validate));

    let server = WebhookServer::new(router, Options::default());

async fn mutate() {}

async fn validate() {}