Running Stackable in an air-gapped environment

The main challenge with running Stackable in an air-gapped environment is how to get the artifacts (container images and Helm charts) into the environment. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Mirror our images and Helm charts into a registry in the air-gapped environment. You need to find out what images are relevant for your specific Stackable deployment and transfer them to the target registry. Feel free to browse through the images in our registry.

  • If possible, setup a reverse proxy to Stackable’s registry on a node with internet connection that is reachable from all nodes within your air-gapped environment. You could, for example, use distribution for this. Here’s a command to spin up a pull-through cache to on port 5001: docker run -d --name proxy-stackable -p 5001:5000 --restart=always -e REGISTRY_PROXY_REMOTEURL= registry:2. The registry is now available on localhost:5001 via HTTP. Once an image has been loaded, it will be cached by the proxy.

  • Download our images (e.g. using docker save) on a machine with internet access, copy them onto the nodes in your air-gapped environment and load them (e.g. using ctr images import). Then render the Helm charts using the helm template subcommand, copy the rendered YAML files your air-gapped environment and apply them.

In the first two scenarios, you need to make sure that the nodes load the images from your local registry mirror. Again, there are a several ways to do this:

  • Specify the image repository in the CRDs (see "Custom docker registry") and in the values of the Helm charts when installing the operators (helm install --set image.repository="my.custom.registry/stackable/nifi-operator" …​).

  • If you use containerd as your container runtime, you can patch the containerd config on every node to use the mirrored registry instead of
    Example: Let’s assume you have a registry mirror running on, reachable via HTTPS on port 443 using a self signed certificate. Now copy the certificate over to your Kubernetes node, in this example we’ll place it in the /etc/pki/tls/certs folder. Create the file /etc/containerd/certs.d/ on the node, with the following contents:

      ca = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/mycert.crt"
      capabilities = ["pull", "resolve"]

    Since containerd defaults to using HTTPS on port 443, we don’t have to specify the protocol and port and can just provide the IP. Note that the certificate (mycert.crt) has to contain the IP ( as SAN.
    Modify your containerd config (usually located at /etc/containerd/config.toml):

       config_path = "/etc/containerd/certs.d"

    Then restart the containerd service. Now containerd will fetch all images that would normally be fetched from from instead. The registry host name is determined by the path hosts.toml is located in, so other registry hosts are not affected. For further information, see "Registry configuration".

  • Add an alias for to the /etc/hosts file on every node (like, issue a self-signed certificate for to your registry and add the certificate to the trusted certificates on every node. Note that if you also want to enforce signature checks for Stackable’s images via a policy controller, you will need to add this host alias to the Pod of the policy controller as well (and make it trust the certificate).

If you want to know how to verify image signatures in an air-gapped environment, check out our documentation about image signature verification.