The primary entry point for applications is by mounting a secret into a Pod object’s volume
set. This is done by using Kubernetes'
For example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: example-secret-consumer
- name: secret
secrets.stackable.tech/class: secret (1)
secrets.stackable.tech/scope: node,pod,service=secret-consumer (2)
storageClassName: secrets.stackable.tech (3)
accessModes: (4)
- ReadWriteOnce
resources: (4)
storage: "1"
- name: ubuntu
- name: tls (5)
mountPath: /tls
1 | This secret is provided by the SecretClass named tls |
2 | This secret should be scoped by the intersection of node , pod , and the service named secret-consumer |
3 | Tells Kubernetes that the Stackable Secret Operator is responsible for mounting this volume |
4 | Kubernetes requires us to specify some boilerplate settings for a PersistentVolumeClaim to be well-formed |
5 | The injected volume can then be mounted into a container, just like any other volume. In this example, the secrets are provided in the /tls directory of the container. |
Only ephemeral volumes are supported, the Secret Operator does not support declaring standalone PersistentVolumeClaim objects.
Required: true
Backends: All
The name of the SecretClass
that is responsible for providing this secret.
Required: false
Default value: no scopes
Backends: All
The scopes used to select or provision the secret. Multiple scopes should be separated by commas (,
), and scope parameters are separated by equals signs (=
) where applicable.
Required: false
Default value: default format of backend
Backends: All
The format that the secret should be written as.
This can be either the default output format of the backend, or a format that it defines a conversion into.
Required: false
Default value: 1d
Backends: secretclass.adoc#backend-autotls
The lifetime of the created certificate.
Please note that you can not request a lifetime longer than allowed by maxCertificateLifetime
on the SecretClass.
If you do so, maxCertificateLifetime
will be used as the certificate lifetime, to adhere to the requirements
set by the administrator who created the SecretClass.
The format is documented in Duration format.
Required: false
Default value: 6h
Backends: secretclass.adoc#backend-autotls
The amount of time the Pod using the cert gets restarted before the cert expires. Keep in mind that there can be multiple Pods - such as 80 datanodes - trying to shut down at the same time. It can take some hours until all Pods are restarted in a rolling fashion.
The format is documented in Duration format.
Required: false
Default value: 0.2
Backends: secretclass.adoc#backend-autotls
Up to this part of the Certificate’s lifetime may be removed for jittering.
Must be within 0.0 and 1.0.
For example, given a requested lifetime of 1 day and a jitter factor of 0.2, the certificate’s lifetime would be shortened by a random amount between 0 and 4.8 hours, leaving a certificate that will be valid for between 19.2 and 24 hours.
Jittering may be disabled by setting the jitter factor to 0.
Required: false
Default value: HTTP
Backends: secretclass.adoc#backend-kerberoskeytab
The service names to be prepended to the provisioned principals. The provisioned principals will have the form service/scope@realm
. Multiple service names should
be separated by commas (,