
On this page you will install the Stackable Operator for Trino as well as the commons, secret and listener operator which are required by all Stackable Operators.

Stackable Operators

The stackablectl command line tool is the recommended way to interact with operators and dependencies. If you have not installed stackablectl, follow the installation steps to install it. You can also use Helm instead.

  • stackablectl

  • Helm

Run the following command to install the Trino operator and its dependencies:

stackablectl operator install \
  commons=24.7.0 \
  secret=24.7.0 \
  listener=24.7.0 \

The tool will show

Installed commons=24.7.0 operator
Installed secret=24.7.0 operator
Installed listener=24.7.0 operator
Installed trino=24.7.0 operator
Consult the Quickstart to learn more about how to use stackablectl.

To use Helm to install the operators, first add the Stackable Helm repository:

helm repo add stackable-stable

Then install the Stackable operators:

helm install --wait commons-operator stackable-stable/commons-operator --version 24.7.0
helm install --wait secret-operator stackable-stable/secret-operator --version 24.7.0
helm install --wait listener-operator stackable-stable/listener-operator --version 24.7.0
helm install --wait trino-operator stackable-stable/trino-operator --version 24.7.0

Optional installation steps

Some Trino connectors like hive or iceberg work together with the Apache Hive metastore and S3 buckets. For these components extra steps are required.

  • a Stackable Hive metastore

  • an accessible S3 bucket

    • an end-point, and access- and secret-keys

    • data in the bucket (we use the Iris dataset here)

  • the following are optional

S3 bucket

Please refer to the S3 provider.

Hive operator

Please refer to the Hive Operator docs. Both Hive and Trino need the same S3 authentication.

OPA operator

Please refer to the OPA Operator docs.

What’s next

Set up a Trino cluster and its dependencies.