Command line tool to interact with the Stackable Data Platform
Usage: stackablectl [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
operator Interact with single operator instead of the full platform
release Interact with all operators of the platform which are released together
stack Interact with stacks, which are ready-to-use product combinations
stacklet Interact with deployed stacklets, which are bundles of resources and containers required to run the product
demo Interact with demos, which are end-to-end usage demonstrations of the Stackable data platform
completions Generate shell completions for this tool
cache Interact with locally cached files
experimental-debug EXPERIMENTAL: Launch a debug container for a Pod
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
Log level this application uses
Do not cache the remote (default) demo, stack and release files
Cached files are saved at '$XDG_CACHE_HOME/stackablectl', which is usually
'$HOME/.cache/stackablectl' when not explicitly set.
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
File options:
-d, --demo-file <DEMO_FILE>
Provide one or more additional (custom) demo file(s)
Demos are loaded in the following order: Remote (default) demo file, custom
demo files provided via the 'STACKABLE_DEMO_FILES' environment variable, and
lastly demo files provided via the '-d/--demo-file' argument(s). If there are
demos with the same name, the last demo definition will be used.
Use "stackablectl [OPTIONS] <COMMAND> -d path/to/demos1.yaml -d path/to/demos2.yaml"
to provide multiple additional demo files.
-s, --stack-file <STACK_FILE>
Provide one or more additional (custom) stack file(s)
Stacks are loaded in the following order: Remote (default) stack file, custom
stack files provided via the 'STACKABLE_STACK_FILES' environment variable, and
lastly demo files provided via the '-s/--stack-file' argument(s). If there are
stacks with the same name, the last stack definition will be used.
Use "stackablectl [OPTIONS] <COMMAND> -s path/to/stacks1.yaml -s path/to/stacks2.yaml"
to provide multiple additional stack files.
-r, --release-file <RELEASE_FILE>
Provide one or more additional (custom) release file(s)
Releases are loaded in the following order: Remote (default) release file,
custom release files provided via the 'STACKABLE_RELEASE_FILES' environment
variable, and lastly release files provided via the '-r/--release-file'
argument(s). If there are releases with the same name, the last release
definition will be used.
Use "stackablectl [OPTIONS] <COMMAND> -r path/to/releases1.yaml -r path/to/releases2.yaml"
to provide multiple additional release files.
Helm repository options:
--helm-repo-stable <URL>
Provide a custom Helm stable repository URL
--helm-repo-test <URL>
Provide a custom Helm test repository URL
--helm-repo-dev <URL>
Provide a custom Helm dev repository URL
--chart-source <CHART_SOURCE>
Source the charts from either a OCI registry or from index.yaml-based repositories.
[default: oci]
Possible values:
- oci: OCI registry
- repo: index.yaml-based repositories: resolution (dev, test, stable) is based on the version and thus will be operator-specific