stackablectl cache
The cache
command let’s you interact with locally cached files. The stackablectl
tool retrieves release, demo, and
stack definitions from a dedicated GitHub repository. It additionally retrieves Helm / YAML manifests from various other
sources. These files are downloaded once and then cached for one hour. In this time period, the files are not downloaded
again, but instead the locally cached (stored on disk) files are used. Users can opt out of caching by providing the
General Usage
Interact with locally cached files
Usage: stackablectl cache [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
list List cached files
clean Clean cached files
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
Log level this application uses
Do not cache the remote (default) demo, stack and release files
Cached files are saved at '$XDG_CACHE_HOME/stackablectl', which is usually
'$HOME/.cache/stackablectl' when not explicitly set.
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
File options:
-d, --demo-file <DEMO_FILE>
Provide one or more additional (custom) demo file(s)
Demos are loaded in the following order: Remote (default) demo file, custom
demo files provided via the 'STACKABLE_DEMO_FILES' environment variable, and
lastly demo files provided via the '-d/--demo-file' argument(s). If there are
demos with the same name, the last demo definition will be used.
Use "stackablectl [OPTIONS] <COMMAND> -d path/to/demos1.yaml -d path/to/demos2.yaml"
to provide multiple additional demo files.
-s, --stack-file <STACK_FILE>
Provide one or more additional (custom) stack file(s)
Stacks are loaded in the following order: Remote (default) stack file, custom
stack files provided via the 'STACKABLE_STACK_FILES' environment variable, and
lastly demo files provided via the '-s/--stack-file' argument(s). If there are
stacks with the same name, the last stack definition will be used.
Use "stackablectl [OPTIONS] <COMMAND> -s path/to/stacks1.yaml -s path/to/stacks2.yaml"
to provide multiple additional stack files.
-r, --release-file <RELEASE_FILE>
Provide one or more additional (custom) release file(s)
Releases are loaded in the following order: Remote (default) release file,
custom release files provided via the 'STACKABLE_RELEASE_FILES' environment
variable, and lastly release files provided via the '-r/--release-file'
argument(s). If there are releases with the same name, the last release
definition will be used.
Use "stackablectl [OPTIONS] <COMMAND> -r path/to/releases1.yaml -r path/to/releases2.yaml"
to provide multiple additional release files.
Helm repository options:
--helm-repo-stable <URL>
Provide a custom Helm stable repository URL
--helm-repo-test <URL>
Provide a custom Helm test repository URL
--helm-repo-dev <URL>
Provide a custom Helm dev repository URL
--chart-source <CHART_SOURCE>
Source the charts from either a OCI registry or from index.yaml-based repositories.
[default: oci]
Possible values:
- oci: OCI registry
- repo: index.yaml-based repositories: resolution (dev, test, stable) is based on the version and thus will be operator-specific
Listing Cached Files
To list currently cached files, use stackablectl cache list
$ stackablectl cache list
│ $HOME/.cache/stackablectl/https---raw-githubusercontent-com-stackabletech-stackablectl-main-stacks-stacks-v2-y ┆ 3 seconds ago │
│ aml-17447ade21bb02fe827b33ef32404e7cb3866ee169837dead6dfdcd7f7241e07 ┆ │
│ $HOME/.cache/stackablectl/https---raw-githubusercontent-com-stackabletech-stackablectl-main-demos-demos-v2-yam ┆ 22 seconds ago │
│ l-a140c16c241efa6dbee780d48843a1975bd1069ee8dd8f936123ffb8ee700739 ┆ │