stackablectl release

A release is a bundle of operators of a specific stable version. The stable versions of the operators are tested and proven to work hand in hand. If you want to install a single individual operator, look at the stackablectl operator command.

Interact with all operators of the platform which are released together

Usage: stackablectl release [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  list       List available releases
  describe   Print out detailed release information
  install    Install a specific release
  uninstall  Uninstall a release
  help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
          Log level this application uses

          Do not cache the remote (default) demo, stack and release files

          Cached files are saved at '$XDG_CACHE_HOME/stackablectl', which is usually
          '$HOME/.cache/stackablectl' when not explicitly set.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

File options:
  -d, --demo-file <DEMO_FILE>
          Provide one or more additional (custom) demo file(s)

          Demos are loaded in the following order: Remote (default) demo file, custom
          demo files provided via the 'STACKABLE_DEMO_FILES' environment variable, and
          lastly demo files provided via the '-d/--demo-file' argument(s). If there are
          demos with the same name, the last demo definition will be used.

          Use "stackablectl [OPTIONS] <COMMAND> -d path/to/demos1.yaml -d path/to/demos2.yaml"
          to provide multiple additional demo files.

  -s, --stack-file <STACK_FILE>
          Provide one or more additional (custom) stack file(s)

          Stacks are loaded in the following order: Remote (default) stack file, custom
          stack files provided via the 'STACKABLE_STACK_FILES' environment variable, and
          lastly demo files provided via the '-s/--stack-file' argument(s). If there are
          stacks with the same name, the last stack definition will be used.

          Use "stackablectl [OPTIONS] <COMMAND> -s path/to/stacks1.yaml -s path/to/stacks2.yaml"
          to provide multiple additional stack files.

  -r, --release-file <RELEASE_FILE>
          Provide one or more additional (custom) release file(s)

          Releases are loaded in the following order: Remote (default) release file,
          custom release files provided via the 'STACKABLE_RELEASE_FILES' environment
          variable, and lastly release files provided via the '-r/--release-file'
          argument(s). If there are releases with the same name, the last release
          definition will be used.

          Use "stackablectl [OPTIONS] <COMMAND> -r path/to/releases1.yaml -r path/to/releases2.yaml"
          to provide multiple additional release files.

Helm repository options:
      --helm-repo-stable <URL>
          Provide a custom Helm stable repository URL


      --helm-repo-test <URL>
          Provide a custom Helm test repository URL


      --helm-repo-dev <URL>
          Provide a custom Helm dev repository URL


      --chart-source <CHART_SOURCE>
          Source the charts from either a OCI registry or from index.yaml-based repositories.

          [default: oci]

          Possible values:
          - oci:  OCI registry
          - repo: index.yaml-based repositories: resolution (dev, test, stable) is based on the version and thus will be operator-specific

Browsing Available Releases

To list the available Stackable releases run the following command:

$ stackablectl release list
│ # ┆ RELEASE ┆ RELEASE DATE ┆ DESCRIPTION                                                                 │
│ 1 ┆ 23.7    ┆ 2023-07-26   ┆ Sixth release focusing on resources and pod overrides                       │
│ 2 ┆ 23.4    ┆ 2023-05-17   ┆ Fifth release focusing on affinities and product status                     │
│ 3 ┆ 23.1    ┆ 2023-01-27   ┆ Fourth release focusing on image selection and logging                      │
│ 4 ┆ 22.11   ┆ 2022-11-14   ┆ Third release focusing on resource management                               │
│ 5 ┆ 22.09   ┆ 2022-09-09   ┆ Second release focusing on security and OpenShift support                   │
│ 6 ┆ 22.06   ┆ 2022-06-30   ┆ First official release of the Stackable Data Platform                       │
│ 7 ┆ latest  ┆ 2023-07-26   ┆ Always pointing to the latest stable version of the Stackable Data Platform │
│ 8 ┆ dev     ┆ 2023-01-27   ┆ Development versions from main branch. Not stable!                          │

Detailed information of a release can be queried with the stackablectl release describe command:

$ stackablectl release describe 23.7
 RELEASE            23.7
 RELEASE DATE       2023-07-26
 DESCRIPTION        Sixth release focusing on resources and pod overrides
                     airflow    23.7.0
                     commons    23.7.0
                     druid      23.7.0
                     hbase      23.7.0
                     hdfs       23.7.0
                     hive       23.7.0
                     kafka      23.7.0
                     listener   23.7.0
                     nifi       23.7.0
                     opa        23.7.0
                     secret     23.7.0
                     spark-k8s  23.7.0
                     superset   23.7.0
                     trino      23.7.0
                     zookeeper  23.7.0

In the output you can see which product operators are included in the specific release.

Installing Releases

If you want to access a Kubernetes cluster, make sure your kubectl Kubernetes client is configured to interact with the Kubernetes cluster. After that, run the following command:

$ stackablectl release install 23.7
Installed product airflow=23.7.0
Installed product commons=23.7.0
Installed product druid=23.7.0
Installed product hbase=23.7.0
Installed product hdfs=23.7.0
Installed product hive=23.7.0
Installed product kafka=23.7.0
Installed product listener=23.7.0
Installed product nifi=23.7.0
Installed product opa=23.7.0
Installed product secret=23.7.0
Installed product spark-k8s=23.7.0
Installed product superset=23.7.0
Installed product trino=23.7.0
Installed product zookeeper=23.7.0
Installed release 23.7

If you don’t have a Kubernetes cluster available, stackablectl can spin up a kind or minikube Kubernetes cluster for you. Based on the type of local cluster you want to use, ensure you have either kind or minikube installed on your system. See here for more information.

$ stackablectl release install 23.7 -c kind
Creating cluster "stackable-data-platform" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.26.3) 🖼
 ✓ Preparing nodes 📦 📦
 ✓ Writing configuration 📜
 ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️
 ✓ Installing CNI 🔌
 ✓ Installing StorageClass 💾
 ✓ Joining worker nodes 🚜
Set kubectl context to "kind-stackable-data-platform"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-stackable-data-platform

Have a nice day! 👋
Installed product airflow=23.7.0
Installed product commons=23.7.0
Installed product druid=23.7.0
Installed product hbase=23.7.0
Installed product hdfs=23.7.0
Installed product hive=23.7.0
Installed product kafka=23.7.0
Installed product listener=23.7.0
Installed product nifi=23.7.0
Installed product opa=23.7.0
Installed product secret=23.7.0
Installed product spark-k8s=23.7.0
Installed product superset=23.7.0
Installed product trino=23.7.0
Installed product zookeeper=23.7.0
Installed release 23.7